Paint Application Specialists, Inc. is committed to providing the best experience possible for all our customers. Our team strives to always deliver high quality products and services. We also proudly offer all our employees a fair wage and the opportunity to grow within our organization.

Training & Certifications

PAS, Inc. is a group of highly trained individuals who aspire to continuously improve and grow within the coatings industry. With over 100 combined training certifications in safety and quality, we retain industry expert knowledge. We currently hold certifications awarded by The Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC), National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE), OSHA Training Institute Education Center (OTI), American Society for Quality (ASQ), The Finishing Trades Institute (FTI), OSHAcademy, and numerous other organizations.

Prevention & Protection

Our team goal is to protect the public, assets, and the environment. Through rigorous training we have gained essential knowledge which aids us in our fight. We only use eco-friendly products and technology. We conduct testing to identity hazardous materials for proper containment and arm our customers with knowledge regarding any discovered hazardous materials. We protect assets through the use of inhibitors, sacrificial coatings, and barrier protection. We maximize the life of paints and coatings through proper surface preparation, application, inspections, and testing.

Employment & Opportunities

We are constantly looking for the opportunity to expand our team. We recruit only highly motivated individuals who aim to accomplish every task with absolute perfection. We conduct thorough in-house safety and quality control training with all employees prior to commencing field work. We also conduct on the job training to assist with vital employee skill development and encourage the confidence needed to execute every task exceeding our customer's expectations. We work diligently in offering all our customers the utmost competitive price.



PAS, Inc. is fully committed to providing each employee a safe work environment. All employees possess stop work authority and are encouraged to stop work if an unsafe situation were to arise. Through extensive health and safety training, our employees have gained competency in hazard recognition and mitigation.


PAS, Inc. abides by a stringent QA/QC program and takes pride in following the coating industry’s best practices. We conducts necessary testing to avoid premature failures and always follow project specifications. If project specifications are not provided, material product data sheets are adopted as project specifications.


PAS, Inc. prides it’s self in completing every project in a timely manner and for the best possible price. We always go the extra mile to achieve 100% customer satisfaction. Not only do we strive to achieve an aesthetically pleasing finish, but we also aim to maintain your assets protected for as long as possible.


Residential & Commercial Painting

Interior & Exterior Painting

Fence & Handrail Painting

Porch & Deck Staining

Pressure Washing & Water Blasting

Industrial Coatings Application

Hand Tool & Power Tool Cleaning

Photo description: PAS, Inc. President prior to abrasive blasting the interior of an above ground storage tank at Torrance Refining Company.



Manuel Marquez

SSPC Master Coatings Inspector MCI #0052. Manuel currently holds SSPC Protective Coatings Inspector Level 3, SSPC Concrete Coatings Inspector Level 2, SSPC Bridge Coatings Inspector Level 2, and NACE CIP Level 2 Certifications.

Health Safety & Environmental Manager

Miguel Velarde

Trained in hazard recognition and hazard mitigation. Miguel delivers rigorous, effective health and safety training to all Paint Application Specialists, Inc. personnel.

Corporate Controller

Joanna Robledo

Fluent in both Spanish and English, with over 15 years of customer service experience. Joanna retains excellent verbal, written, and technical communication skills.

Production Manager

Jessica Marquez

A skilled journeyman painter, specializing in commercial and residential painting. Jessica has managed production in some of California's most iconic projects.


James Dempsey Jr.

A coating inspector certified by The National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE). James specializes in painting, coating, and inspecting steel structures.


Armando Robledo

Has an extensive background in general construction and is highly skilled in every aspect. Armando has not only painted every paintable surface of a home, but he has also built homes from the ground up.

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Service Area 

Serving Long Beach, CA. and the Surrounding Area. 

Give Us A Ring

Manuel Marquez 1+(562) 332-0700
Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

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